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3M™ Excellere Lontoo 2023

Lähde Implantonan matkaan oikomishoidon huipputapahtumaan maineikkaaseen Lontooseen. Marraskuussa järjestettävän tapahtuman aiheena on monialainen oikomishoito.

Kurssia ei ole saatavilla


Useita puhujia ja luennoitsijoita, mm. Simon J. Littlewood, Ektor Grammatopoulos, Badri Thiruvenkatachari ja Robbie Lawson.


Aika: Perjantai 17.11.2023
Paikka: Institute of Directors (IOD), 116 Pall Mall, St. James's, London SW1Y 5ED, UK

Early bird -hinta 1.8.2023 asti 195 £
Normaalihinta 2.8.2023 alkaen 225 £
Opiskelijat, hammashoitajat ja assistentit 150 £

Ilmoittaudu: Ilmoittaudu tästä

Tietoa tapahtumasta:

Get ready to immerse yourself in the latest advancements, cutting-edge techniques, and breakthrough innovations in orthodontics. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with industry leaders, expand your knowledge, and elevate your practice to new heights. Additionally, there will be parallel sessions available for Clinic Staff, focusing on hands-on training for Digital Bonding and APC FF. Moreover, a special workshop will be conducted, providing guidance on effectively managing difficult interactions with individuals and handling emotions.

Dr. Simon J. Littlewood
Can we treat our class III patients early and orthodontically to prevent the need for orthognathic surgery?

Dr. Ektor Grammatopoulos
Planning and execution of complex and multi-disciplinary cases; from start to retention and beyond

Dr. Badri Thiruvenkatachari
The many dimensions of class II treatment

Dr. Robbie Lawson
Integrating lingual: interdisciplinary care with Incognito™ appliance system

David Moreno
Faster or better, one by one or all at once: digital flash-free bonding

Tutustu koko ohjelmaan tapahtuman nettisivuilla.

Luennoitsijat: Useita puhujia ja luennoitsijoita, mm. Simon J. Littlewood, Ektor Grammatopoulos, Badri Thiruvenkatachari ja Robbie Lawson.


Johanna Pastinen
Puh. 050 338 3156