Bone & Soft Tissue Symposium 2023
Järjestyksessään 11. Bone & Soft Tissue Symposium vie tällä kertaa Helsingin Kinopalatsiin, missä Isabella Rocchietta (DDS, MSc) luennoi aiheesta, "Prevention and management of complications in vertical GBR surgeries". Illan päättää cocktail-tilaisuus.
Dr. Isabella Rocchietta
DDS, MSc, Specialist in Periodontics
Aika: Perjantai 24.11.2023 klo 11.00–19.00
Paikka: Finnkino Kinopalatsi, Sali 9, Kaisaniemenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki
Early bird -hinta 16.6.2023 saakka 320 €
Normaalihinta 17.6.2022 alkaen 390 €
Hinta erikoistuville 300 €
Hinta sisältää luennon ja tarjoilut. Muistathan ilmoittaa myös mahdolliset erityisruokavaliosi.
Ilmoittaudu: sähköpostitse susanna.rodriguez(at)
Mikäli tapahtumaan tulee muutoksia, tiedotamme niistä osallistujia viipymättä.
Luennoitsija: Dr. Isabella Rocchietta, DDS, MSc, Specialist in Periodontics
Dr. Isabella Rocchietta (DDS, MSc) is a Specialist in Periodontics and Honorary Senior Research Associate at the Department of Periodontology at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London, UK. She is also a lecturer for the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute. Her MSc in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry is from the University of Manchester, UK.
Dr. Rocchietta is an elected board member of the Osteology Foundation (2023) and was a board member of the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) from 2016 to 2022. She was also Chairman of the EAO Junior Committee from 2007 to 2011 and is an active member of the Osteology Expert Council.
Dr. Rocchietta has authored several international peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and is a recognized international speaker on topics, such as bone regeneration, bone grafting with growth factors, tissue engineering, soft and hard tissue neo-formation with autogenous living cells, osseointegration as well as implant protocols. She currently performs clinical work limited to periodontics and implant dentistry in Milan, Italy, and London, U.K.
Prevention and management of complications in vertical GBR surgeries
Dental implants have been successfully implemented as a routine therapeutic approach in both partially and fully edentulous patients. Alveolar defects compromise ‘prosthetically-driven’ dental implant positioning, unless detailed planning is performed prior to the surgical phase. Many techniques have been described for augmenting alveolar bone, including autogenous block grafts, titanium mesh, distraction osteogenesis, and guided bone regeneration, to name a few.
The use of guided bone regeneration (GBR) associated with non-autogenous scaffolds constitutes a solid therapy for bone augmentation in the vast majority of alveolar defects, with or without implants. Choosing the correct therapeutic approach with the appropriate biomaterials as well as soft tissue management are fundamental to achieving success in advanced GBR procedures.
However, complications remain a considerable threat to the final result. Prevention is crucial
in avoiding complications, but when they do occur, their delicate management can change the course of events, often resulting in a successful outcome. It is important to master a decision tree based on clinical experience and supported by the literature as well as be prepared for any adverse events that may occur prior, during or after complex surgery like GBR.
11.00–12.00 Ilmoittautuminen ja tarjoilut
12.00–14.00 Luento
14.00–14.45 Kahvitauko ja näyttely
14.45–16.00 Luento jatkuu
16.00–16.15 Tauko
16.15–17.00 Luento jatkuu
17.00–19.00 Cocktail-tilaisuus Kinopalatsin aulassa
Luento pidetään englanniksi.
Susanna Rodriguez
susanna.rodriguez(at) tai puh. 041 522 0717